News from Assistance League of Indianapolis
![]() On Thursday, December 4, Assistance League® of Indianapolis hosted “Ringing in the Holly Days”, their Annual Holiday Luncheon and Style Show. This fundraising event has become a Holiday tradition for member volunteers and their guests. All attending appreciated this festive celebration that kicks off the holiday season by enjoying the luncheon, style show, silent auction, raffle, and the opportunity for shopping. An added bonus to the day is that proceeds raised benefits the organization’s philanthropic programs. ![]() The 2014 Holiday Luncheon Committee, was headed by chairmen Rosy Crowley and Rose Conrad. The beautiful invitations for the event were designed by Kathy Detzler. It was held at the Ritz Charles in Carmel and the decorating committee led by Jane Edington followed through with the theme by decking the room out in lovely holly and bells. The day began with a silent auction filled with many unique items and coordinated by Sharon Gleason and Deb Myers. Adding to the fun was a raffle for a chance to win one of two “Gift Card Trees”. The $1,120 worth of gift cards were donated by Chris Cunningham, owner of Service Plus Heating and Cooling, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gambrel, and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sanfrey. The beautiful decorated trees were a gift from Kathy Wylam. Attendees enjoyed shopping for clothing and accessories from The Secret Ingredient, an Indianapolis boutique and children’s toys from Kits & Kaboodle Classic Toys. Both retailers donated ten percent of sales made that day to Assistance League. ![]() As guests sat down to lunch, they were welcomed by Gloria Slama, president of Assistance League who then introduced the First Lady of Indiana, Karen Pence. Mrs. Pence commented on how the organization strives to help the Central Indiana area by stating, “While their philanthropic programs address the immediate needs of thousands of children and adults each year, it is the long-term, unseen benefits that can make a truly lasting impact in their lives and that of their families.” After the first lady’s remarks, other notable supporters of Assistance League were introduced: Kathleen Hart, Attorney, Partner, Riley, Bennett & Egloff and member of Assistance League Advisory Council; Marjorie Wilkerson, Executive Director, and Patricia Alvis, Secretary Treasurer for MCR Charitable Foundation; Elizabeth Cassleman, Executive Director, Mary Ellen Moore, Program Manager, Erin Trisler, Program Manager, and Estherre Wohlenhaus, Program Assistant from The Clowes Fund. Carol Valentine, Chairman of Grants, then introduced Lee Ann Hoy, Program Director, David Hillman, O.D., Program Director, and Jeff Small, Program Associate from Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. They presented the Assistance League with a $20,000 check which brings their total contributions to the organization to nearly a quarter million dollars. ![]() Immediately following lunch, The Secret Ingredient sponsored a fabulous style show with clothes modeled by representatives from the agencies, senior facilities, and schools that Assistance League serves through its philanthropic programs of Operation School Bell®, Shoes; A Division of Operation School Bell®, Beyond the Bell; A Division of Operation School Bell®, ALI Bears, Assault Survivor Kits®, and ALI Friends. Sandy Speer was the liaison between The Secret Ingredient and the models who were: Carol Braden, Executive Program Director, Brooke’s Place; Joanna Lowe, Marketing Manager, Joy’s House; Candace Preston, Caregiver Program Manager, Joy’s House; Catana Philips, BSN, RN, IU Health Methodist Hospital, Center of Hope; Kelsie Scaringe, BSN, RN, IU Health Methodist Hospital, Center of Hope; Angela Johnson, Parent Involvement Educator, Magnet School #90, Ernie Pyle Elementary; Tracy Pruitt, Coordinator of Support Services, Indianapolis Public Schools; Alissa Carmichael, Assistant Principal, College Wood Elementary, Carmel Clay Schools; and Janie Smith, Dean of Students, Lakeside Elementary, MSD of Warren Township. ![]() At the conclusion of the day, Judy Tomke and Karen Marie Taylor chaired Auction Check Out as happy guests claimed the items they had bid on in the silent auction. Other behind the scenes workers were Andrea Arbore who handled reservations, Sherri Torres who over saw registration, Nancy Farris who was in charge of programs, Patty Johnson the Fund-a-Cause speaker, and Connie Pollom who is Vice President of Resource Development. Assistance League of Indianapolis is grateful for the generous support of the luncheon’s attendees. Funds raised at this wonderful event enable the organization to continue with their mission of caring and commitment to serving children and adults in the community. To view photos from "Ringing in the Holly Days" click HERE
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